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You’re Using Online Job Portals Wrong: Here’s How to Master Them

Online job portals are a valuable tool for job seekers of all levels of experience. They allow you to search for job openings, create a profile to showcase your skills and experience, and submit job applications online. With so many job portals available, it can be tough to know where to start and how to use them effectively.

In this blog post, we will provide you with proven strategies for mastering online job portals and finding your dream job. We will cover everything from choosing the right job portals to creating a strong profile to submitting effective job applications.

Online job portals are websites and apps that allow job seekers to search for job openings and employers to post job openings. Job portals are a popular way for job seekers to find jobs because they allow you to search for jobs in a variety of industries and locations, and to create a profile to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers.

How to choose the right online job portals for your job search

There are many different online job portals available, so it is important to choose the ones that are right for you. When choosing job portals, consider the following factors:

  • Industry: What industry are you interested in working in? Some job portals specialize in certain industries, such as IT, healthcare, or sales.
  • Location: Where are you looking for a job? Some job portals allow you to search for jobs in specific locations, such as cities or countries.
  • Company size: What size company are you interested in working for? Some job portals specialize in helping job seekers find jobs at companies of all sizes, while others specialize in helping job seekers find jobs at small businesses or startups.
  • Job level: What level of job are you looking for? Some job portals specialize in helping job seekers find entry-level jobs, while others specialize in helping job seekers find mid-level or senior-level jobs.

How to create a strong profile on an online job portal

Once you have chosen the right online job portals for your job search, it is time to create a strong profile. Your profile is your chance to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers. When creating your profile, be sure to include the following information:

  • Your contact information: This should include your name, email address, phone number, and LinkedIn profile URL.
  • Your work experience: List all of your previous work experience, including the company name, your job title, and your duties.
  • Your education: List all of your educational qualifications, including the name of the institution, your degree, and your graduation date.
  • Your skills: List all of your skills and abilities, including both hard skills (such as proficiency in specific software programs) and soft skills (such as communication and teamwork).
  • A summary: Write a brief summary of your skills and experience, and explain why you are a good fit for the types of jobs you are interested in.

How to use online job portals to find relevant job openings

Once you have created a strong profile, you can start using online job portals to find relevant job openings. To find job openings, simply enter your desired job title and location into the search bar of the job portal. The job portal will then return a list of all of the job openings that match your criteria.

You can also use the advanced search features of job portals to narrow down your search results. For example, you can use the advanced search features to filter job openings by industry, company size, job level, and other criteria.

How to submit effective job applications through online job portals

Once you have found some job openings that you are interested in, it is time to submit your job application. When submitting your job application, be sure to:

  • Tailor your resume and cover letter to each job you apply for. Highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the job you are applying for.
  • Proofread your resume and cover letter carefully. Make sure that there are no errors in grammar or spelling.
  • Submit your job application on time. Most job portals have a deadline for submitting job applications.

Other Effective job searching strategies

In addition to using online job portals, there are a number of other things you can do to increase your chances of finding a job:

  • Network with professionals in your field. Attend industry events, connect with people on LinkedIn, and reach out to people you admire.
  • Use social media for job searching. Many companies post job openings on their social media pages.
  • Work with a recruiter. A recruiter can help you find job openings and prepare for job interviews.

Tips for using online job portals

  • Set up job alerts to be notified of new job postings.
  • Save and organize your favorite job postings.
  • Track your job applications.

Common mistakes to avoid

  • Not using the right keywords in your job search.
  • Not tailoring your resume and cover letter to each job you apply for.
  • Not following up with potential employers.
  • Not preparing for job interviews.

LinkedIn Power Tips

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for job seekers, but it can be tricky to know how to use it effectively. Here are some power hacks for job search on LinkedIn:

1. Optimize your profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your first chance to make a good impression on potential employers. Make sure your profile is complete, up-to-date, and keyword-rich. Use relevant keywords throughout your profile, including in your headline, summary, and work experience sections.

2. Use the advanced search features

LinkedIn’s advanced search features allow you to filter job openings by a variety of criteria, such as job title, location, company size, and industry. This can help you narrow down your search results and find the jobs that are the best fit for your skills and experience.

3. Set up job alerts

Job alerts notify you when new job openings are posted that match your search criteria. This can save you time and help you stay ahead of the competition.

4. Network with professionals

LinkedIn is a great platform for networking with professionals in your field. Connect with people you know, as well as people you don’t know but admire. You can also join groups and participate in discussions to learn more about your industry and make new connections.

5. Reach out to recruiters

Recruiters are always looking for qualified candidates to fill open positions. Reach out to recruiters in your field and let them know you’re open to new opportunities.

Here are some additional power hacks for job search on LinkedIn:

  • Use LinkedIn’s Open to Work feature. This feature lets recruiters know that you’re actively looking for a new job.
  • Post relevant content. Share articles, blog posts, and other content that is relevant to your industry and expertise. This will help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your field and attract the attention of potential employers.
  • Use LinkedIn’s messaging feature. Reach out to potential employers and recruiters to learn more about their companies and to express your interest in open positions.
  • Use LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator tool. This tool gives you access to advanced search features and insights that can help you find and connect with the right people.

Secrets to using LinkedIn for job search:

  • Use the right keywords in your profile and resume. This is underrated, but this 1 tip will help your profile show up in search results when recruiters and hiring managers are looking for candidates.
  • Personalize your connection requests. Don’t just send generic connection requests. Instead, take the time to write a personalized message explaining why you’re interested in connecting.
  • Join relevant LinkedIn groups. This is a great way to connect with other professionals in your field and learn about new job opportunities.
  • Use LinkedIn’s algorithm to your advantage. LinkedIn’s algorithm ranks profiles based on a variety of factors, including how often you’re active on the platform and how much engagement you’re getting. The more active you are on LinkedIn, the higher your profile will appear in search results.
  • Follow up with potential employers and recruiters. Don’t just send a connection request or message and then disappear. Follow up with them regularly to show your interest in the company and the position.

By following these power hacks and secrets, you can use LinkedIn to your advantage and find your dream job.

Advanced LinkedIn Search Techniques

LinkedIn’s advanced search features allow you to filter job openings by a variety of criteria, such as job title, location, company size, industry, skills, and experience. This can help you narrow down your search results and find the jobs that are the best fit for your skills and experience.

Let’s understand better with an example of a college fresher:

A college fresher in India who is interested in a job in software engineering can use the following advanced search criteria:

  • Job title: Software Engineer, Entry-Level Software Engineer, Junior Software Engineer
  • Location: India
  • Company size: Startup, Small Business, Medium Business, Large Enterprise
  • Industry: Information Technology, Software Development
  • Skills: Java, Python, C++, Data Structures, Algorithms, Software Engineering Principles
  • Experience: 0-2 years of experience

In addition to the above criteria, the job seeker can also use the following advanced search features:

  • Keywords: The job seeker can enter relevant keywords in the search bar to further narrow down the results. For example, the job seeker could enter the following keywords: “software engineering internship”, “entry-level software engineering jobs in India”, or “software engineering jobs for freshers”.
  • Filters: The job seeker can use the filters on the left-hand side of the page to further refine the results. For example, the job seeker could filter the results by company type, job function, education level, and more.

Boolean Operators:

LinkedIn also allows you to use Boolean operators to narrow down your search results. Boolean operators are words such as AND, OR, and NOT.


The job seeker could use the following Boolean search query to find software engineering jobs for freshers in India:

(Software Engineer OR Entry-Level Software Engineer OR Junior Software Engineer) AND India AND (Startup OR Small Business OR Medium Business OR Large Enterprise) AND (Information Technology OR Software Development) AND (Java OR Python OR C++ OR Data Structures OR Algorithms OR Software Engineering Principles) AND (0-2 years of experience)

This search query will return all job openings that match all of the following criteria:

  • The job title must be Software Engineer, Entry-Level Software Engineer, or Junior Software Engineer.
  • The location must be India.
  • The company size must be Startup, Small Business, Medium Business, or Large Enterprise.
  • The industry must be Information Technology or Software Development.
  • The skills must be Java, Python, C++, Data Structures, Algorithms, or Software Engineering Principles.
  • The experience must be 0-2 years.

Tips for Using Advanced LinkedIn Search:

  • Use relevant keywords in your search query.
  • Use Boolean operators to narrow down your search results.
  • Use the filters on the left-hand side of the page to further refine the results.
  • Save your search queries so that you can easily come back to them later.
  • Set up job alerts to be notified when new job openings are posted that match your search criteria.

Use LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator search tools to find contact information for potential employers and recruiters.

Sales Navigator is a premium LinkedIn feature, but you can actually access some of its powerful search tools for free. To do this, go to the LinkedIn Sales Navigator website and create a free account. Once you have a free account, you can access the Sales Navigator search tools by clicking on the “Search” tab at the top of the page.

The Sales Navigator search tools allow you to filter results by a variety of criteria, including job title, location, company size, industry, and even contact information. For example, you can search for all software engineers in India who work at startups with fewer than 100 employees. And even though you’re on the free plan, you’ll be able to see the contact information for some of the results, including email addresses and phone numbers.

This is a powerful hack because it allows you to find and connect with potential employers and recruiters directly, even if you don’t have a premium LinkedIn account.

Here’s how you can use this hack to find your dream job:

  1. Go to the LinkedIn Sales Navigator website and create a free account.
  2. Click on the “Search” tab at the top of the page.
  3. Enter the following search criteria:
    • Job title: Your desired job title
    • Location: Your desired location
    • Company size: Startup, Small Business, Medium Business, Large Enterprise
    • Industry: Your desired industry
    • Contact information: Yes
  4. Click on the “Search” button.
  5. Review the results and connect with potential employers and recruiters directly.

By using this hack, you can bypass the paywall and access some of the most powerful search tools on LinkedIn. This can give you a significant advantage in your job search.

Online job portals and LinkedIn can be powerful tools for job seekers, but it is important to use them effectively. By following the tips and strategies in this blog post, you can increase your chances of finding your dream job. By using advanced LinkedIn search techniques, you can find jobs that are the best fit for your skills and experience.

What’s your favorite LinkedIn power hack for job search? Share it in the comments below!

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