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3 Ways to Network with Accomplished Digital Professionals as a Fresh College Graduate

As a fresh college graduate or a final year student, you’re eager to start your career and land your dream job. Digital related job opportunities are one of the most rewarding ones in India today. But in a competitive job market, it can be tough to stand out from the crowd. One way to make yourself more marketable to potential employers is to network with accomplished digital professionals.

Networking is the process of building relationships with other people, typically for professional or business purposes. It is an important skill for fresh college graduates to have, as it can help them find jobs, learn new skills, and advance their careers.

There are many benefits to networking with accomplished digital professionals. Accomplished digital professionals can provide you with valuable advice and guidance, help you learn new skills, and connect you with other professionals in the field. They can also help you get your foot in the door at top companies and organizations.

3 benefits of networking with accomplished Digital Professionals as a Fresh college graduate:

1. Gain valuable insights and advice. Accomplished digital professionals have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. By networking with them, you can learn about the latest trends and best practices in the industry. You can also get advice on how to develop your skills and land your dream job.

2. Make connections that can lead to job opportunities. When you network with accomplished digital professionals, they may be able to put you in touch with people who are hiring. They may also be willing to write you a recommendation or refer you for a job.

3. Build your personal brand. Networking with accomplished digital professionals can help you build your personal brand and reputation in the industry. When people see that you’re connected to successful professionals, they’ll be more likely to take you seriously.

Step by Step Guide how to Network:

Section 1: Attend industry events

One of the best ways to network with accomplished digital professionals is to attend industry events. These events provide an opportunity to meet and interact with people from all walks of the industry.

Here are a few tips for networking at industry events:

  • Do your research. Before you go to an event, find out who will be there and identify a few people you’d like to meet.
  • Be prepared to introduce yourself. Have a brief elevator pitch ready to introduce yourself to new people.
  • Be genuine and interested in others. Ask people questions and learn about their work.
  • Follow up after the event. Send a personalized email to the people you met, thanking them for their time and reiterating your interest in connecting.

Section 2: Reach out to accomplished digital professionals online

Another great way to network with accomplished digital professionals is to reach out to them online. You can do this through LinkedIn, Twitter, or other social media platforms.

Here are a few tips for reaching out to accomplished digital professionals online:

  • Personalize your message. Don’t send a generic message to everyone. Take the time to learn about the person you’re reaching out to and write a message that is relevant to their interests.
  • Be brief and to the point. People are busy, so get to the point of your message quickly.
  • Offer value. What can you offer the person you’re reaching out to? For example, you could offer to share a relevant article, provide feedback on their work, or answer a question they have.
  • Follow up. If you don’t hear back from someone right away, don’t be afraid to follow up. Send a polite reminder email a week or two later.

Section 3: Ask for informational interviews

An informational interview is a conversation with someone who works in a field or job that you’re interested in. The purpose of the interview is to learn more about their work and get advice on how to achieve your career goals.

Here are a few tips for asking for informational interviews:

  • Identify people you’d like to interview. Make a list of people who are working in the field or job that you’re interested in.
  • Reach out and ask. Send a personalized email to each person on your list asking for an informational interview.
  • Prepare for the interview. Before your interview, research the person’s work and prepare some questions to ask.
  • Be respectful of their time. Informational interviews should be around 30 minutes long.
  • Send a thank-you note. After your interview, send a thank-you note to the person for their time and insights.

Final Thoughts

Networking with accomplished digital professionals is a great way to gain valuable insights and advice, make connections that can lead to job opportunities, and build your personal brand. If you’re a fresh college graduate, I encourage you to start networking today.

Additional tips for success in networking from Learnpact’s – Program Success Mentors:

  • Be authentic. Be yourself and let your personality shine through.
  • Be respectful. Remember that everyone is busy, so be mindful of their time.
  • Be consistent. Don’t network once and then forget about it. Make an effort to connect with people on a regular basis.

Case study: How Pinaki Ghosh, a fresh college graduate networked with Experienced Digital professionals and landed his Dream Job

Pinaki was a fresh college graduate with a degree BSC. He was pursuing Learnpact’s Digital performance marketing program. He was eager to start his career like others in his cohort ASAP, but he didn’t have any connections in the industry. Learnpact’s Program success mentors introduced the concept of networking by attending industry events to Pinaki.

At one event, Pinaki met an accomplished Digital professional, Mr Rakesh K, Head of Marketing of a Top 3 FMCG major. He introduced himself and told him about his career goals. Mr Rajesh was impressed with Pinaki’s enthusiasm and knowledge, and he offered to connect her with people who were hiring.

A few weeks later, Pinaki received an email from Rakesh introducing her to a recruiter at a company that he had been interested in working for. Pinaki took help from Learnpact’s instructors and prepared well for the interview, showcased portfolio of work and interviewed for a position at the company and landed his dream job.

Resources for fresh college graduates who want to learn more about networking

  • LinkedIn Learning: LinkedIn Learning offers a variety of courses on networking, including “Networking for Beginners” and “How to Build Your Personal Brand.”
  • The Networking Playbook: This book by Ivan Misner provides a comprehensive guide to networking, including tips on how to start conversations, build relationships, and follow up.
  • The Muse: The Muse is a website that offers career advice and resources, including articles on networking.

Q&A: Common questions about networking with accomplished Digital professionals

Q: How do I find accomplished digital professionals to network with?

A: You can find accomplished digital professionals by attending industry events, reaching out to people online, and asking for informational interviews.

Q: What should I say to accomplished digital professionals when I network with them?

A: When you network with accomplished digital professionals, be sure to introduce yourself, tell them about your career goals, and ask them questions about their work. You can also offer to share relevant articles or resources with them.

Q: How do I follow up with accomplished digital professionals after I network with them?

A: After you network with an accomplished digital professional, send them a personalized email thanking them for their time and reiterating your interest in connecting. You can also follow them on social media and engage with their content.

We hope this blog post on 3 Ways to Network with Accomplished Digital Professionals as a Fresh College Graduate has been helpful. If you have any other questions about networking with accomplished & experienced digital professionals, to help with your job journey please feel free to leave a comment below.

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